38 stata var label
Using Stata Variable Labels in R - NewbeDEV Hmisc does provide some facilitiy for hadling variable labels, but the labels are only recognized by functions in that package. read.dta creates a data.frame with an attribute "var.labels" which contains the labeling information. You can then create a data dictionary from that. Variable Labels - Guides Stata Storage of Variable Labels Stata can use value label data using the extended macro functions (see h extended_fcn ). The following code call a variable label and assign it to a local. *Call variable label of variable "var" local vlab : variable label var This information can be searched conditionally.
PDF Syntax - Stata label is removed. label variable attaches a label (up to 80 characters) to a variable. If no label is specified, any existing variable label is removed. label define defines a list of up to 65,536 (1,000 for Small Stata) associations of integers and text called value labels. Value labels are attached to variables by label values.
Stata var label
asdoc abbreviates / truncates my variable names and labels | Word to Stata After installation of the new version, then restart Stata. sysuse auto, clear label var price "A very lengthy label for the variable Price to see it working" asdoc pwcorr price mpg rep78, label abb(.) replace asdocx is now available. A more powerful and flexible version of asdoc is now available. I call it asdocx. Stata Basics: Create, Recode and Label Variables This post demonstrates how to create new variables, recode existing variables and label variables and values of variables. We use variables of the census.dta data come with Stata as examples.-generate-: create variables. Here we use the -generate- command to create a new variable representing population younger than 18 years old. stata - Use value label in if command - Stack Overflow All the variables had "Refused" coded a different value based on the value label, e.g. some variables had "Refused" coded as 9, while others had it as 99, or 8. Version Information Stata 15.1 Code
Stata var label. stata学习心得与笔记——label - Stata专版 - 经管之家(原人大经济论坛) stata学习心得与笔记——label,1 label可以给数据集、变量、变量的值,这三种东西贴标签。命令简介如下label datalabel variablelabel define 定义值的标签名label values 给值赋予标签label dir 显示值的标签名label list 显示值的标签名以及具体标签label drop 去掉值的标签名以及标签label drop _all 去掉数据中全部值的 ... Variable labeling in STATA - Reddit This is for STATA users who are really not familiar with the way most statistical software pages … Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Variable Names, Labels, and Values - New York University Variable labels. Each variable can have a label attached to it, which provides more information of a variable. label variable varname "label" attaches a label to a variable.. label variable rep78 "repair_record_78" Value labels. When browsing the auto data, you may have noticed that the foreign variable has values of characters in blue ... st: RE: Display Variable Labels - Stata Nick n.j.cox@durham.ac.uk Raphael Fraser foreach var of varlist pwvssn { ... display _newline(3) _column(4) as text "`var'" ta diag, sum(`var') ... } How can I display the variable label rather than the variable name?
Are my labels there? Searching among label variables values on Stata The following program ( check_labels) will check if the string that we type on the option , label () is present or not in the labels of a variable. syntax varlist (max=1) [if] , label (string) is declaring that the program will just allows one variable and one mandatory option called label () that is going to be read as a string by the program. In Stata, how do I add a value label to a numeric variable? Adding a value label to a variable in Stata is a two-step process. The first step is to use the .label define command to create a mapping between numeric values and the words or phrases used to describe those values. The second step is to associate a specific mapping with a particular variable using the .label values command. How do I assign the values of one variable as the value labels for ... This is a case where we want to create value labels for the numeric variable based on the string variable. In Stata, we can use the command called labmask to create value labels for the numeric variable based on the character variable. The command labmask is one of the commands in a suite called labutil written by Nicholas J. Cox. varlabel : Get and assign Stata Variable Labels Description Retrieve or set variable labels for a dataset. Usage Arguments Value Returns an named vector of variable labels Author (s) Jan Marvin Garbuszus jan.garbuszus@ruhr-uni-bochum.de Sebastian Jeworutzki sebastian.jeworutzki@ruhr-uni-bochum.de Examples readstata13 documentation built on May 25, 2021, 5:12 p.m.
Labeling variables and using Value labels in STATA - YouTube About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Labeling data | Stata Learning Modules Stata allows you to label your data file ( data label ), to label the variables within your data file ( variable labels ), and to label the values for your variables ( value labels ). Let's use a file called autolab that does not have any labels. use , clear Variable Stata And Export Names Labels Description Usage Arguments Details Value Examples Similarly, Stata also restricts the length of variable names to 32 characters It preserves the variable and value labels, long variable names, extended missing values, and provides optimization of variable types frame or list ; a string with the value labels, if x is a variable; or NULL if no value label attribute was found Look at the length ... Stata Guide: Label Variables and Values As of Stata version 12, value labels are also shown in the "Variables" section of the Properties window. Modifying existing value labels Existing labels can be modified with the help of options. The most important options are: label define mstatus 2 "divorced" 3 "widowed", add add can be used to label values that have no label attached
Browse, edit, and label your data - Stata Help - Reed College To add a variable label, first select any cell in the column of the variable you'd like to change - in this case, "sex". Then, double-click on the cell to the right of the Label cell in the Data Browser's Properties window, type what you want the variable to be known as, and hit enter. For "sex," let's use the label "Gender."
How to read and write STATA variable and value labels from R. # Attach variable and value labels to a new R data.frame attr ( df, "var.labels") <- c ( "my var label 1", "my var label 2") # To create and attach value labels val1 <- c ( apple=10, beans=20) val2 <- c ( kg=1, bag=2) attr ( df, "label.table") <- list ( val1, val2) attr ( df, "val.labels") <- c ( "val1", "val2") # And finally describe the dataset
Using Stata Variable Labels in R - Stack Overflow #' function to prettify the output of another function using a `var.labels` attribute #' this is particularly useful in combination with read.dta et al. #' @param dat a data.frame with attr `var.labels` giving descriptions of variables #' @param expr an expression to evaluate with pretty var.labels #' @return the result of the expression, with …
set.label: Assign Stata Labels to a Variable in readstata13: Import ... In readstata13: Import 'Stata' Data Files. Description Usage Arguments Value Examples. View source: R/tools.R. Description. Assign value labels from a Stata label set to a variable. If duplicated labels are found, unique labels will be generated according the following scheme: "label_(integer code)".
How to drop an already defined label in Stata - Quora Answer (1 of 2): It's an unexpectedly interesting and difficult task. You have to tell us what type of label you're trying to drop, a variable label or a value label. Here are the beginnings of answers to both, but take warning: I haven't actually tried any of these, I'm simply reporting what oth...
Use var label on graph legend - Statalist That is, if you have value labels defined they will automatically show up on the categorical axis with graph hbar You can get all the information you are showing in the legend -- shown readably -- without the "back and forth" of pairing up legend items and bars.
Labelの設定① | 医療統計とStataプログラミングの部屋 label variable sbp "Systolic Blood Pressure, mmHg" ... このブログでは、統計解析ソフトStataのプログラミングのTipsや便利コマンドを紹介しています. Facebook groupでは、ちょっとした疑問や気づいたことなどを共有して貰うフォーラムになっています. ブログと合わせて ...
Extracting variable labels and categorical/ordinal value labels in Stata Stata allows the labeling of variables and also the individual values of categorical or ordinal variable values. For example, in the -sysuse auto- database, "foreign" is labeled as "Car origin", 0 is "Domestic", and 1 is "Foreign".
Stata® 13 adds factor-variable labels to results - YouTube Watch this demonstration of how factor-variable labels are now displayed in the results of estimation commands in Stata. ... Watch this demonstration of how factor-variable labels are now ...
PDF axis label options — Options for specifying axis labels - Stata valuelabel specifies that values should be mapped through the first y variable's value label (y*() options) or the x variable's value label (x*() options). Consider the command scatter yvar xvar and assume that xvar has been previously given a value label:. label define cat 1 "Low" 2 "Med" 3 "Hi". label values xvar cat Then
stata - Use value label in if command - Stack Overflow All the variables had "Refused" coded a different value based on the value label, e.g. some variables had "Refused" coded as 9, while others had it as 99, or 8. Version Information Stata 15.1 Code
Stata Basics: Create, Recode and Label Variables This post demonstrates how to create new variables, recode existing variables and label variables and values of variables. We use variables of the census.dta data come with Stata as examples.-generate-: create variables. Here we use the -generate- command to create a new variable representing population younger than 18 years old.
asdoc abbreviates / truncates my variable names and labels | Word to Stata After installation of the new version, then restart Stata. sysuse auto, clear label var price "A very lengthy label for the variable Price to see it working" asdoc pwcorr price mpg rep78, label abb(.) replace asdocx is now available. A more powerful and flexible version of asdoc is now available. I call it asdocx.
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